Tuesday, November 24, 2009

27th Annual Birthday Post

The title says it all. I've survived for 27 years thank to my long-suffering family. I'm taking tomorrow off, because Thursday and Friday are holidays here at the office. Thus, over the next five days, I will become one with the couch. I'll have my wife post pictures when the melding is complete. Tonight, I am spending my birthday money on three games. My backlog is already quite vast, and now, it will expand in size.

And, as per tradition, I present a gratuitous picture of Salma Hayek.


tai haku said...

Happy birthday Zach!

lantaro said...


Glendon Mellow said...

Happy Birthday Zach!

Sean Craven said...

Many happy returns on your natal anniversary.

Peter Bond said...

Have a great birthday, Dude!

tanystropheus said...

Happy birthday, mate!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, dude! :) ¡Feliz compleaños! :) Happy "Origin" Day, as well! lol! How Bizarre that it seems I just said the same thing twice, though I was referring to the 150th Anniversary of Darwin's key book- "On the Origin of Species By Means Of Natural Selection."