Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ze Bonyard's Triumphant Return!

Remember the Boneyard? If not, click the corresponding tag. I will return to this humble blog on June 12th, so get those entries written and submitted to me either via comment or email (sillysaur at gmail dot com). I'm going to try and include important stories from the last few months, so anything you've written about Puijila, Tianyulong, Miragaia, etc., include it here. The Synapsid Art Show will be linked to, all that good stuff. Get those entries in, dear readers! This will be epic!


Peter Bond said...

Yeah! I've missed our fiend the Boneyard! Glad to see you bringing him back...

Metalraptor said...

Wait, so can anyone enter the Boneyard, or is it invitation only?

Zach said...

Anyone, brother. As long as it's something I can link to.